Wherever I am, the world comes after me.
It offers me its busyness. It does not believe that I do not want it.
Now I understand 
why the old poets of China went so far
and high 
into the mountains, then crept into the pale mist.
"The Old Poets of China" by Mary Oliver

Policy Briefs: Download Free

Photo credits (L–R): NghiaNTC; CarinaChen; MichaelGaida • Source: www.pixabay.com. 

Download abridged versions of papers presented at a policy forum, "Making Investments Work: Paradigms, Patterns, Prospects" which was held on 24 November 2016, Balay Kalinaw, University of the Philippines Diliman.

Thees policy briefs discuss the challenges confronted by Philippine political economy and examine the nature of and the role played by foreign investments in the country. They tackle the following questions: What is the pattern of foreign investment flows in the Philippines and how does this compare with that of other Southeast Asian emerging economies? How do foreign and domestic businesses interact? What is the role of policy in directing investments toward industries in which the country needs to build competitive advantage? What are the kinds of investments needed in the Philippines that will contribute toward the attainment of inclusive and sustainable development?

Since 2012, the economy has become one of the fastest growing in the world. In the process, even if the economy remains to be a consuming economy, it has slightly become an investing one. However, investment expenditure may tend to be confined to private gains as opposed to first, business gains, and second, gains in nation-building. VIEW PDF

This policy brief focuses on the lack of transformation of the economy, drawing on comparisons between the Philippines and its Southeast Asian neighbors. It asks why economies like Malaysia and Thailand grew faster after 1980 while the Philippines failed to do so. Moreover, poverty reduction was much faster in these countries. The role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in development is highlighted. VIEW PDF