Wherever I am, the world comes after me.
It offers me its busyness. It does not believe that I do not want it.
Now I understand 
why the old poets of China went so far
and high 
into the mountains, then crept into the pale mist.
"The Old Poets of China" by Mary Oliver

Several members of the UP Asian Center faculty each received International Publication Awards (IPA) for their recent publications in various internationally refereed books and/or journals. Click on each title to read the abstracts. 

Dean Santarita contributed a chapter, "Growth and Government: the Rise of Information technology Enabled Services’ Centres in India and the Philippines," which was published in "State, Society and Information Technology in Asia" by Ashgate in 2014. 

Professors MCM Santamaria and Reuben Ramas Cañete collaborated on Sulu Sojourns: Photo-ethnography and Political Discourses on Four Ethno-Linguistic Groups in the Sulu and Tawi-Tawi Archipelagoes in the "Philippine Political Science Journal." They co-authored the article with Marc San Valentin

Joining Drs. Santamaria and Cañete as a contributor in the same issue is Associate Professor Dr. Antoinette Raquiza, author of Changing Configuration of Philippine Capitalism. The article discusses, among other things, the involvement of the business elite in the Philippine service economy. 

Dr. Tina Clemente, Associate Professor, contributed two chapters in two separate books by Routledge and Pickering and Chatto. She discussed Spanish Colonial Policy Toward Chinese Merchants in Eighteenth-Century Philippines, which was published in "Merchant Communities in Asia, 1600-1800" (Pickering and Chatto). And her Environmental Governance in the Philippines: Challenges and Prospects appeared in "Environmental Challenges and Governance: Diverse Perspectives from Asia" (Routledge).

Lastly, Professor Eduardo Tadem discussed “Technocracy and the Peasantry: Martial Law Development Paradigms and Philippine Agrarian Reform” in an issue of the "Journal of Contemporary Asia."

The International Publication Award (IPA) is awarded to UP faculty and personnel whose exemplary research has been published in internationally peer-reviewed publications. According to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the IPA has been a huge incentive in raising the number of such publications in the University of the Philippines.

The award covers articles that are indexed in and by ISI (Institute of Scientific Information) Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters); ISI-listed journals; SCI (Science Citation Index) journals; SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) journals; Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CP AHCI (Arts and Humanities Citation Index)." Journals published in SCOPUS are also eligible. Learn more about the International Publication Award and view the complete list of recent awardees

The Asian Center offers M.A. degrees in Asian Studies with four fields of specialization: Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and West Asia. The Center also has an M.A. program in Philippine Studies that allows students to major in Philippine society and culture, Philippine foreign relations, or Philippine development studies. The Center offers a Ph.D. program in Philippine Studies in conjunction with the College of Arts and Letters and the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. For an overview of these graduate programs, click here. The Asian Center also publishes Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia, the latest issue of which can be downloaded at the journal's website. View recent and upcoming Lectures & Conferences and read other News & Announcements. Join our mailing list to receive invitations to lectures, conferences, etc.