Wherever I am, the world comes after me.
It offers me its busyness. It does not believe that I do not want it.
Now I understand 
why the old poets of China went so far
and high 
into the mountains, then crept into the pale mist.
"The Old Poets of China" by Mary Oliver

  • Contact Information: Email, Social Media, Mailing List

    Call 8 981 8500 local 3579 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Like the Asian Center Library's Facebook page.  

    Library Staff

    Jhonalyn T. Calamanan
    Head Librarian
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Jessica M. Tumlos
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Michelle R. Deloria 
    Education Research Assistant
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Jon Jon V. Katigbak
    Senior Library Aide
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
     Updated: 9 December 2024
  • New Acquisitions

    Download the updated list of newly-acquired books (2023) by the Asian Center Library. Click here.
    To view the list of newly-acquired resources of UP Main Library and other libraries at UP Diliman, please visit this link


    Updated: 11 June 2024

  • Service and Schedule Advisory

    The Asian Center Library is OPEN Mondays to Saturdays from 9:00AM to 6:00PM (no noon break).

    List of Available Services During Quarantine

      • Book Lending/Returning via courier (See Lending/Returning tab)
      • Access to eResources (See "Online Resources" tab)
      • Research Support Services
      • Library Orientation and Instruction
      • Resource on Demand

    Library Brochure

    Download the brochure (PDF). 
  • Library Services: Overview (Main Library) 

    Library Services: Overview

    University Library (Main Library)

    Visit the website of the University Library.
    You may skim through this webinar for an overview of the Main Library's services. You may also view the Guidelines for Students' Access to Library Resources (PDF) [See "For Students" section] explains the following:
        • Main Library's services and rules in accessing resources.
        • Definition of terms
        • Directory of various libraries in UP Diliman (added 2 July 2021).

    Library Starter Kit 2021
    Please view the 2021 Library Starter Kit (Facebook post of the Main Library). The starter kit helps students:
      • Use Tuklas and other electronic resources available from the Main Library website.
      • Place book requests via Resource on Demand (ROD)
      • ldentify email addresses of UP Diliman's college libraries.
    Here is the 2020 version.

    Comprehensive List of UPD Subscriptions/eResources
    You may view a full list of online subscriptions available to UP Diliman students and a list of journals and/or publishers to which UP Diliman/System (PDF) subscribes. Go to "List of Electronic Resources" (2 July 2021).
    You may also view this additional list of subscriptions by the UP System. View full list of UP subscriptions to journals, etc. and of Open Educational Resources (compiled September 2020; see pp. 3–25).

    Guidelines and Assistance for Faculty and Students to Access Library Resources in UP Diliman
    The guidelines contain the list of available physical and electronic resources, database and journal subscriptions, steps for off-campus access, as well as assistance on requesting permission to access/procure copyrighted works and other materials for remote learning. The guidelines also list Open Access resources curated by each library in UP Diliman.

    Resource on Demand (ROD): Get Scanned Copies

    Students can request for scanned/electronic copies/excerpts of books, journal, articles, etc, which are not available online. Only ten percent of a book's content may be scanned thus. View ROD rules or visit the relevant section in this page ('For Students').
    Please use UP Mail to communicate with library staff. If UP Mail is (still) unavailable, (be ready to) send a copy of your Form 5.

    Sources @ Main Library

    View details and request procedures (PDF). Please direct inquries and requests to the Main Library.

    Sources @ Asian Center Library

    Fill out the Google Form and wait for confirmation email and additional instructions. Pick-up and delivery to be shouldered by the student.

    Other UP Diliman Libraries

    Please contact the library in question. View directory.

    Tutorials: Research Apps, Platforms, Subscriptions

    Maximizing Online Library Resources

    Watch the "Maximizing Online Library Resources" webinar delivered last March 2022 to orient students of the UP Asian Center.

    2022 Tutorials

    This March 2022, "the Information Services and Instruction Section of the University Library is organizing two webinars to (1) introduce its lineup of new online resource subscriptions and (2) discuss timely and relevant topics to address the information needs of the academic community."
    View the following topics covered on 14 March 2022 and on 21 March 2022. Then watch webinar-tutorials were given on the 14 March 2022 and 21 March 2022 (via Facebook video)

    2021 Tutorials

    This webinar series introduces you to the various databases, apps, and subscriptions of the the university. Learn all about the following or view the following graphic. You may watch the recordings (via embedded YouTube videos).

        • Tuklas and DigitalArchives @ UP
        • Open Access Repository
        • OpenAthens
        • EBSCO and Gale Reference
        • ProQuest and CambridgeCore
        • eJournals and JSTOR
        • Sage and Scopus and Web of Science
        • Mendeley, APA and Chicago
        • Turnitin Draft Coach an Endnote Online

    Learn more about UpSkill or watch this YouTube video.

    Questions? Try SINAG

    Send your questions re: (main) library matters through SINAG: https://m.me/UPDLibrary
    According to the University Library, "Ask the Service-Oriented, INformative, Academic Group of UPD Librarians, or simply SINAG, is a virtual reference service offered by the University Library which provides online reference assistance to members of the UP Community wherever they are. With the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the UPD reference librarians, Ask SINAG aims to provide accurate and relevant information to reference queries through email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and through the various social media accounts of the University Library."
    Watch SINAG video tutorial here.

    DROID: Set Up an Appointment with a Librarian

    Need face to face consultations? Set up an appointment with the staff of the UPD Main Library via DROID.

    Digital Reference and Online Information Desk (DROID) seeks to provide directional and instructional assistance to the UP academic community. It is the online equivalent of the on-site information and reference desks which used to be located at the Main Library Lobby.

    DROID is available via Google Meet or Zoom Meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM and from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. UP Diliman students, faculty, and staff may book a 20-minute video call with UP Diliman Librarians.

    As DROID is in the initial implementation stage, it is currently limited to UP Diliman clients only through their UP Mail account.

    Online Resources: Research

    Search: Tuklas ◊ Saliktroniko

    How to Search Across Online Databases: Tuklas and EBSCO

      1. Tuklas by the University  Library to search across various databases. Watch Tutorial or this demo. Generally recommended especially for books held by the University Library.
      2. EBSCO's Discovery Service or Publication Finder. Better to use while already logged in to your UP Mail account.
      3. Saliktroniko, which is available in the home page of the University Library,where you can search for the resource/category/databases of your choice. View video tutorial.
      4. EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate. View video tutorial.

      5. Do also try to search individual journals/databases; any article therein can be accessed via OpenAthens option.


    Access: OpenAthens

    Accessing Online Databases via OpenAthens

    Use OpenAthens to access journal articles and other learning resources from various databases to which the University subscribes.  Log in via UP Mail. OpenAthens is not necessary for free/open-access materials.
    You may also log in to  the OpenAthens website or via Google Apps. See how you can log in/use OpenAccess or you may watch this YouTube tutorial.

    eBooks ◊ Image databases


    The university subscribes to the following publishers/eBook providers. Available titles may be viewed herein. Notable providers are:

    Images @ JSTOR

    Search images at JSTOR's image database. To optimize access, log-in via OpenAthens may be required.  


    "Features millions of high-quality images and media from some of the world’s top photo archives, museums, libraries, scholars, and artists, including rare materials not available anywhere else." GO TO ARTSTOR. To optimize access, log-in via OpenAthens may be required.  

    Journals ◊ Databases

    This is a partial list. Not everything in the databases may be accessed through UP's subscriptions. View comprehensive list. As applicable, many of these websites/platforms are accessible only via OpenAthens.

    Newspapers ◊ Magazines

    Foreign Newspapers

      • PressReader (Newspapers/Magazines) [Watch Demo]
      • Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature (periodicals on various topics)
      • Foreign Affairs (c/o CSSP)*
      • The Economist (c/o CSSP Library and School of Economics Library)*
      • The Diplomat (c/o CSSP)*
      • The New York Times (c/o School of Economics Library: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
      • Time Magazine Asia (c/o School of Economics Library: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
      • Washington Post (c/o CSSP)*
      • Independent Voices  and Reveal Digital c/o JSTOR ("alternative press from feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, et al.")

    Philippine Newspapers

    Theses and Dissertations

    Access to hard copies of theses and dissertations in UP Diliman are subject to these guidelines (2015) by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development. This memo in turn is based on this memo.

    With regards to duplication, please visit this page from the UP Main Library.

    Open Access Collections

    Please note: some of the links/organizations are not associated with UP

    Open Access List from OVPAA

    The OVPAA has also compiled a list of websites where you can download materials for your research/studies. Please observe the terms and conditions of each site/organization. Links below may only be accessible when logged in to UP Mail.

    Statista ◊ General eReferences

    Personal Papers via University Archives

    Video: Webinars, Plays, Films, Lectures

    List of Webinars/Events in UP Diliman

    View recent/upcoming events in UP Diliman. A list of Asian Center (past and upcoming) webinars can be found here.
    Visit the Asian Center's YouTube Channel to watch recordings of past webinars

    National Theater Collection | Theatre in Video

    National Theatre Collection features a wide range of works regularly studied in secondary and higher education. Unique in scope, the collection includes  performances of classic and contemporary plays (Quoted from Main Library).

    BBC Literary Adaptations | Shakespearean Plays

    Watch BBC productions of classic English novels, from Shakespeare to Jane Austen. Performances by the Royal Shakespeare Company Collection. All available via video.alexanderstreet.com (UP Mail Required)

    TVUP and Interactive Learning Center: Video Lectures

    Vodcasts are social science lectures uploaded in the website of the Interactive Learning Center of UP Diliman. Topics include sociology, political science, and sociology.

    Also of note are the various lectures in TVUP, UP's Internet TV Network. Go to TVUP On Demand to choose the topics you want to watch videos/lectures on. In November 2020, the UP Asian Center compiled ten notable videos on Philippine history, society, and art.

    VIEW COMPLETE LIST OF VIDEOS from TVUP, which covers ASEAN Art and Philippine art, culture, and society.

    Webinars from UP Open University

    The UP Open University Commons also has a collection of webinars on the social sciences; ASEAN Studies; Philippine arts, literature and culture, among many other topics.


    Writing Guide

    Doing and Writing a Literature Review
    Watch the webinar, Reviewing and Writing a Literature Review, organized in March 2022 by the University Library.

    Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Academic Writing
    • Lack of a clear, well-stated argument.
    • Unclear connection between theoretical framework/objectives on the one hand, and actual analysis on the other.
    • Unsubstantiated claims
    • Poor structure/flow of discussion. Use headings/subheadings. Microsoft's Navigation Pane is a useful writing tool to help you keep on track. 
    • Improper/lack of citations (See "Research Ethics" tab)

    Try To:
    • Establish how your analysis/paper differs from the existing literature.
    • Specify your argument. Do not just say this paper will describe, explain, etc.
    • Avoid writing long sentences. Refrain from cramming too many ideas in a sentence, or in a section.

    Research Ethics

    Respect copyright and observe fair use

    In your research, please observe/respect authors' copyright, so ask permission from the author and/or publisher if you are going to reproduce a photograph in a paper you intend to publish it.  Fair use allows brief quotations or excerpts from a work (i.e. you are going to critique a work or theory), but when in doubt, please ask permission. In quoting, please observe proper citation and paraphrasing practices.
    To learn more, watch this webinar, "The Perks and Pitfalls of Copyright and Fair Use," organized by the University Main Library on 14 March 2022.

    Citation Guide: APA and Chicago

    The Concise APA Handbook
    • Students can access an eBook of The Concise APA Handbook based on the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Click here to access the ebook. You may download a copy of the ebook, but only for your exclusive personal, academic use.
    Chicago Manual of Style Online

    To know how to cite using CMOS format, view this page. Access to CMOS depends on UP Mail.

    Mendeley Institutional Edition
    Mendeley can help track and manage your citations/references. Please visit this page for user guides and access methods via OpenAthens.

    Data Privacy in Research

    Please observe the data privacy policy of UP Diliman when conducting your research. This can help you uphold and protect the rights of your informants, as applicable, and help ensure your compliance with general principles of research ethics. You may view the text version or view an infographic-style summary.



    Read and Watch: Types of Plagiarism

    Watch: "Thou Shall Not Plagiarize"

    Here's a short YouTube video from the Main Library defining and giving examples of plagiarism, as well as the consequences thereof.

    Plagiarism in the Concise APA Handbook

    According to the Concise APA Handbook: APA 7th Edition, here are several types of plagiarism
          • "Using translation software, without clearly indicating which part of the text was translated and which software was used for the trans- lation work (of course using a dictionary to translate individual words or phrases is perfectly fine, indeed learners with additional languages should do so),
          • Patch writing, and
          • Having your writing corrected by someone who is better at writing" (2020, p. 6).
    The handbook also covers self-plagiarism as a form of plagiarism. You still have to quote your own work as necessary.

    Proper Paraphrasing/Summarizing

    While paraphrased content entails using your own words and your own syntactic strucutre, please still enclose in quotation marks keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) in the original, and then include the page number (if any) in your in-text citations. It is not enough to just place an in-text citation.
    Also, substituting words while retaining the syntatic structure of the sentence (s) is still a form of plagiarism.
    You may download the Concise APA Handbook 7th Edition is available for download via EBSCO (via OpenAthens). Please visit this page to access the link (UP Mail log-in required). See Chapters 2, 3, 4 in particular.

    Check Your Work: Turnitin Draft Coach

    TDC is a plagiarism tool powered by Google Docs that helps students "check for similarity, improve citations, [and] get formative feedback. Using your UP Mail, log-in to https://docs.google.com/; go to the Add-Ons tab and click Turnitin Draft Coach. A sidebar will open on the right. Check the box in front of “I agree to the terms and conditions.” Choose Continue to Draft Coach.
    If you uploaded a Word document, you must save it first in Google Docs format. The Add-ons menu won't visible if you're viewing a Word document.
    View other tutorial videos below: 


    Read: Academic Integrity and Ethical Writing

    "What Is Academic Integrity and Why is it Important?"
    You can download this free e-guide from Turnitin. It talks about "new and emerging plagiarism trends," "cultural differences in plagiarism," "contract cheating," and strategies to prevent plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. These include the practice of a "writing cleanroom."
    "Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and other questionable writing practices: A guide to ethical writing"
    View this document by Dr. Miguel Roig. Dr. Roig offers guidelines that sum up key points to remember, which are nevertheless discussed in detail. The Information Office thanks Miguel Reyes of the Third World Studies Center for suggesting this document.

    JSTOR's Research Basics: Citation and Search Tips

    Go to JSTOR's Research Basics page to know:
      • How to handle "scholarly resources"
      • Citation and paraphrasing

    Watch: Plagiarism and Research Integrity Webinars

    Write It or Cite It: Introduction to Proper Referencing and Citation

    Watch this webinar organized by the University Library on 14 March 2022.

    The Do's and Don'ts of Referencing and Citation

    Watch this webinar organized by the University Library in March 2021 (UP Mail required to access the page). Scroll to the bottom towards the video section to see the video.

    Research Conversations on Ethics and Publications
    This is a webinar hosted by UP Open University in December 2021. Watch on YouTube.
    UP Manila Committee on Research Integrity
    This webinar, "Research Integrity and Plagiarism" was held on 12 April 2021. Watch the webinar on Facebook. Last 28 June 2021, UP Manila held another webinar, Research Integrity: Fabrication and Falsification, which available for viewing via Facebook.

    Manage Your References: Mendeley and End Note

    Mendeley Institutional Edition can help track and manage your citations/references. Please visit this page for user guides and access methods via OpenAthens. EndNote by Clarivate is also worth checking out. View the tutorial video c/o the UP Main Library or visit the EndNote page.
    To help you find which one works best for you, watch this webinar, "Which Tool Is Best For Me: A Guide to Citation Management Tools," organized last 21 March 2022 by the University Main Library.

    Webonary is a platform that allows language groups the ability to publish bilingual or multilingual dictionaries on the web with a minimum of technical help.
    The website allows keyword searching via parts of speech or semantic domains in the selected language and in English. This is maintained by the Summer Institute of Linguistics International (SIL) https://www.sil.org/about
    The platform currently consists of 337 published dictionaries https://www.webonary.org/about-webonary/published-dictionaries/ 






    Borrowing Guide

    Enrolled students, currently employed faculty and staff can visit the library and borrow materials. Other clients are not allowed to borrow library materials.
    Eligible clients who are unable to visit the library may email us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  to borrow books via pick-up or delivery service (pick-up and delivery charges and fees must be shouldered by the client). Policies and procedures are listed in the link above.

    Returning Guide

    Kindly return the materials to the library counter. If you are returning the library materials via courier or delivery service please add a return slip with the following details:
    1. Borrower's Name
    2. Date Returned
    3. No. of items borrowed
    Returned materials will undergo disinfection before being returned to regular circulation and will not be readily available for lending.

    Borrowing/Returning Books to Other Libraries

    Please inquire directly with the library.  View Library Directory



    Students with accountabilities to the Asian Center Library can now pay overdue fines through Landbank. Book fines are waived for books that are due on 10 March 2020 onwards.

    Payment Process: Library Accountabilities

    Please view flowchart of payment procedures: https://bit.ly/2X5iu6A
    Kindly send a request for a bill payment or statement of account from our Special Collecting Officer via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    After returning your overdue books, you may now choose either of the following modes of payment when paying for your library fines.

    Payment Options

    1. Payment using Landbank Linkbiz: https://bit.ly/3369lym
    2. Online Payment Transaction via PESONET: https://bit.ly/3jPbRiy
    3. Direct Bank Payment: https://bit.ly/3k34Evw


    View fees and fine chart. Electricity fees apply only when plugging your laptop, phone, etc.
    Waiving of Fines for Books with Due Date starting on March 10 onwards
    Students with accountabilities to the Asian Center Library can now pay overdue fines through Landbank. Book fines are waived for books that were due on 10 March 2020 onwards.
    Failure to Return a Circulation Book On or Before the Due Date
    Php 2.00 a day, exclusive of Sundays and holidays.
    Failure to Return a Reserve Book On or Before the Due Date
    For the first hour or a fraction thereof after the hour appointed for return, one peso (Php1.00); for each hour after the first, five pesos (Php5.00); for each full day, fifty pesos (Php50.00). A second offense within a semester shall automatically suspend/curtail this privilege for the rest of the semester or summer.
    Failure to Return a General Reference Book and Other Restricted Materials Borrowed for Photocopying Purposes
    A person who fails to return a general reference book and other restricted materials borrowed for photocopying purposes shall pay a fine of Php50.00, on the second offense the person shall have his library privileges suspended for one week.
  • Donations

    The China Book Center

    Overview and List

    View the Contents of the Collection
    The China Book Center covers a wide range of themes on Chinese history, politics, literature, culture, philosophy, economy, and science and technology. It aims to help enrich the China Studies Program of the UP Asian Center. It aims to raise awareness of Filipino students on Chinese history, politics, society and culture, and help foster dialogue and goodwill between the Philippines and China.
    This guide presents China in contemporary times (1998–2020). It covers language and literature, politics and government, economic conditions, and health. From the collection, it is possible to describe China and how its people lived during the 20th century. Artists may use the information to aid them in appreciating fine arts in the eyes of local and foreign authors. Librarians are presented with sources emphasizing the importance of documents as seen from the perspective of Chinese culture. It provides information resources mostly from books, knowledge on language, folklore, tales, and guidebooks on reading, writing, and speaking learning Chinese for educators. The collection presents interesting resources on power relations, business activities, technology-related and culture-specific initiatives in Xi Jinping’s leadership.  
    In 2021, the collection was determined to have 880 titles and 1627 items consisting of books, brochures, pamphlets, postcards, posters, CD-ROMs, DVDs, online resources, and others in the form of kits, bookcases, bags, and envelopes. These resources are closed-shelved and made accessible through an advance notice addressed to the reference desk.
    The guide has three parts: the introduction provides the summary of the collection, followed by the bibliographic information of the resources, and ends with the subject index. Researchers are encouraged to acquaint themselves with the information about the collection, statements guiding the use of the collection, and its scope and content. The midpart contains the bibliographic information of each item, arranged by format and alphabetically. Each format is provided with the columns for location, the description of the material represented with the bibliographic record, and the date of publication. From here, researchers identify the material needed and seek the assistance of the reference desk. Similarly, for the subject index, researchers look for the subject of interest by going over the list provided in the last ten pages of the guide and then seeking the assistance of the reference desk.
    After scanning the list, researchers will only need to identify the resources or subject of interest and approach the reference desk for assistance. For further information, contact Alessandra A. Guimba (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Kjun Katigbak (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

    Access and Inquiries

    For inquiries and access procedures to the China Book Center, please contact the Library staff via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    The Dr. Peter Boomgaard Southeast Asia Collection

    The Dr. Peter Boomgaard Southeast Asia Collection

    The “Dr. Peter Boomgaard Southeast Asia Collection” holds approximately 1500-2000 books, monographs and edited volumes, including data materials from Indonesia's National Archive in Jakarta.
    Largely written in English and Dutch, the materials in the collection focus on disparate subjects ranging from economic, social, cultural, environmental, agricultural (forests, non-timber products, staple crops including rice and sugar), and scientific histories of Asia (mainland and southeast), particularly Indonesia. It also includes miscellaneous works on European history and politics.
    The collection also includes issues of reputable journals, the titles of which include Environmental History, Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient, Environment, and History. The archive data sources culled from Indonesia's National Archive are organized by geographic region. These sources, covering the period from 1600 to 1950, are largely statistical, compiled from colonial government censuses relating to births, marriages, and deaths.

    A handwritten card reference catalog by Dr. Boomgaard is also a notable inclusion in the collection, which will be valuable for researchers working on topics concerning demographic, agricultural, and labor history of the Dutch East Indies. The collection was donated by his widow, Dr. Raquel A.G. Reyes, a historian and newspaper columnist.


    About Dr. Peter Boomgaard

    Dr. Boomgaard (1946 – 2017) was Professor of Economic and Environmental History of Southeast Asia, University of Amsterdam. He was also former Director and Senior Researcher at the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies/Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV) in Leiden. He specialized in Indonesia, with a particular focus on Java, authoring many books, edited volumes, and journal articles on demographic, social, and environmental history.

    How to Access the Collection

    A list of the collection can be requested from the Asian Center Library: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Students, faculty, or staff of UP Diliman who wish to borrow the materials books are advised to search the materials they need through the list. Once the resources desired to be borrowed are identified please allow about 3 to 5 working days for us to process the materials. Because we would still need to process/catalog them before release.
    Please fill out the Asian Center Appointment Form and library book request through this link: https://bit.ly/acappointment1. Indicating time and date of pick up and attach a copy of your ID and a Form5 / CRS Screenshot of enrolled status for us to process your request.

    How to Donate

    Thank you for your interest. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you wish to donate to the library.  
  • Hours and Schedule

    The Asian Center Library is OPEN Mondays to Saturdays from 9:00AM to 6:00PM (no noon break).
    We accept currently enrolled UP students and currently employed Faculty, REPS, and Staff.
    We also welcome the following clients:
    •   Former UP students, faculty, REPs, staff, and alumni
    •   Students, faculty, researchers, and fellows from international linkages
    •   Graduate students from other schools and universities
    •   Government and private researchers
    (See Service Advisory for Entry Requirements)
    No walk-in clients allowed.
    Schedule an appointment via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and wait for the approval letter before any visit.

    Guidelines and Assistance for Faculty and Students to Access Library Resources in UP Diliman

    The guidelines contain the list of available physical and electronic resources, database and journal subscriptions, steps for off-campus access, as well as assistance on requesting permission to access/procure copyrighted works and other materials for remote learning. 

    Students are encouraged to use UPD Remote Access via OpenAthens to access electronic resources off-campus. See "Remote Learning" tab in the Student Corner to learn about OpenAthens.


Books on PH Studies: Jocano Collection

Books on PH Studies: Jocano Collection

Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia

Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia

Sign Up: Free Lectures, Conferences, and Webinars

Sign Up: Free Lectures, Conferences, and Webinars

Watch on Demand: Lectures, Webinars, Etc

Watch on Demand: Lectures, Webinars, Etc

Free Publications: By Asian Center Faculty and Staff

Free Publications: By Asian Center Faculty and Staff

Theses and Dissertations: A List

Theses and Dissertations: A List

Books: Asian Studies

Books: Asian Studies

Books: F. Landa Jocano Collection

Books: F. Landa Jocano Collection

Books: Philippine Foreign Policy

Books: Philippine Foreign Policy

Musyawarah: The Official Newsletter of the UP Asian Center

Musyawarah: The Official Newsletter of the UP Asian Center


 Watch: Webinars on Demand

  • UP Atin To! Eksibit X Bayani: Alay, Alalala at Pagpupugay sa mga Bayani ng Pilipinas
  • Nine presentations from the 4th Japanese Studies Research Competition
  • The Trajectory of Renewable Energy in the Philippines: A Webinar
  • Scripts in Asia, c. 1500–2000: An International Conference
  • Sabang: Early Southeast Asian-European Encounters | Online Conference
  • AfghaniSTUNNED: Making Sense of Afghanistan’s Realities and Relations
  • Special Lecture on Philippines-Japan Relations: A Webinar
  • Collecting Histories: Gems from the Asian Center Art Collection | Online Exhibit Launch
  • A Century of Struggle: Women’s Movements and Rights in Turkey | A Webinar
  • Afghan Refugees and Multiculturalism in Korea | A Webinar
  • The Future of the State in the Middle East  |  A Lecture by Mahjoob Zweiri
  • The Battle of Marawi: Special Edition | Online Book Launch & Art Exhibit
  • Geopolitical Competition in Central Asia: Regional and Global Implications | A Webinar
  • Networks of Knowledge on Asia | An Online Roundtable
  • Interrogating Globalization in an Asian Context: A Webinar Series
  • The Politics of International Marriage in Japan: Online Book Launch
  • The Political Demography of South Korea: A Webinar
  • Decolonizing IR: Conversations on Asian Connections
  • Engaging with China: Views from Southeast Asia | A Forum via Zoom
  • Watch | Saving Gaza, Fighting for Peace: The Second Webinar