Wherever I am, the world comes after me.
It offers me its busyness. It does not believe that I do not want it.
Now I understand 
why the old poets of China went so far
and high 
into the mountains, then crept into the pale mist.
"The Old Poets of China" by Mary Oliver


  • Baviera, Aileen. 2015. "Defining the National Territory: Security and Foreign Relations Dimensions." Public Policy 12–13: 21–54. Available here

  • Cañete, Reuben Ramas. 2015. Amadeo Y Manalad: Drawing a Saga. Saga Publishing: Philippines. 

  • Clemente, Tina. 2015. "Spanish colonial policy toward the Chinese merchant community in 18th century Philippines." In  Merchant Communities in Asia, 1600–1980, edited by M. Zelin and Y. Lin. London: Pickering & Chatto Publishers Ltd.

  • ———. 2015. "Environmental Governance in the Philippines: Challenges and Prospects." In Environmental Challenges and Governance: Perspectives from South, Southeast and East Asia, edited by S. Mukherjee and D. Chakraborty. United Kingdom: Routledge. 

  • ———. 2015. "Connections, Contracts, and Sanctions: Informal Contracting in Commerce Among Chinese in Metro Manila."Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia 51 (1): 39–74 (Co-author: Marco B. Lagman). Available here.

  • Durano, Marina. 2015. "International Migration and Occupational Licensing: An Empirical Exploration." Philippine Review of Economics 52 (1): 117–42. 

  • Ganadillo, Ivy. 2015. "Chinese New Year as a National Holiday: Towards Cultural Understanding in the Philippines." Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia, 179–87. Available here

  • Nolasco, Janus Isaac. 2015. "To know and appreciate Asia better." Inquirer, 24 June. Available here.

  • ———. 2015. "Asian Studies for Filipinos: The Philippines in the Asian Center." Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia, 164–78. Available here

  • ———. 2015. "Review: English Only Please (2014)." Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. Read here

  • Raquiza, Antoinette. 2015. "The BPO Industry and the Philippine Trade in Services: Boon or Bane?" In The Local Impact of Globalization in South and Southeast Asia, edited by Bart Lambregts, Niels Beerepoot, and Robert C. Kloosterman, 46–59. Routledge.  

  • Santarita, Joefe. 2015. "Migration and Business: A Survey of Indian Communities in the Philippines."Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia 51 (1): 75–97. Available here.

  • Sevilla, Henelito Jr. 2015. "West Asian Communities in the Philippines: An Exploratory Study of Migrant Iranians, Jews, Arabs, and Turkish. Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia 51 (1): 98–129. Availablehere.

  • Tadem, Eduardo C. 2015. "Technocracy and the Peasantry: Martial Law Development Paradigms and Philippine Agrarian Reform." Journal of Contemporary Asia 45 (3): 394–418.

  • ——–. 2015. "Marcos should apologize to Filipino farmers." 2 September, Philippine Daily InquirerView.

  • ——–. 2015. "Why not a presidential candidate from the left." 7 August, Philippine Daily InquirerView

  • Talampas, Rolando. 2015. "Indonesian Diaspora Identity Construction in a Southern Mindanao Border Crossing." Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia 51 (1): 130–162. Available here.

  • Yoneno-Reyes, Michiyo. 2015. "Overcoming Language Barriers: Filipino/Japanese Youths as Transmigrants in the Philippines." Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia 51 (1): 1–38. Available here.


  • Cañete, Reuben Ramas. 2014. “Selling Manliness: The Supermall and Male-Oriented Consumerism in Selected Philippine Clothing Stores.” In Communication and Media Theories, edited by Rolando Tolentino, Patrick Campos, Randy Jay Solis and Choy Pangilinan. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press.

  • ——–. 2014. Masculinity, Media, and Their Publics in the Philippines. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press.

  • Raquiza, Antoinette. 2014. "Changing configuration of Philippine capitalism."Philippine Political Science Journal 35(2): 225–50.

  • Santamaria, MCM, Reuben Ramas Cañete, and Marc San Valentin. 2014. "Sulu sojourns: Photo-ethnography and political discourses on four ethno-linguistic groups in the Sulu and Tawi-Tawi Archipelagoes." Philippine Political Science Journal 35 (2).

  • Sevilla, Henelito Jr. 2014. "Nationalization Scheme (Nitaqat) in Saudi Arabia and the Condition of Filipino Migrant Workers." Journal of Identity and Migration 8 (2):7–23. Available for download here.  

  • Santarita, Joefe. 2014. "Growth and Government: The Rise of Information in India and the Philippines Technology Enabled Services’ Centres." In State, Society and Information Technology in Asia. Surrey: Ashgate.

  • Tadem, Eduardo. 2014. "ASEAN's Elusive Integration." Talk of the Town. May 4. Philippine Daily Inquirer, A15. Available here

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