Wherever I am, the world comes after me.
It offers me its busyness. It does not believe that I do not want it.
Now I understand 
why the old poets of China went so far
and high 
into the mountains, then crept into the pale mist.
"The Old Poets of China" by Mary Oliver

Renowned visual artist Fernando Sena (dubbed as Father of Philippine Art Workshop) will be conducting another art workshop every Wednesday, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m starting 18 June at the Asian Center Museum.

The workshop is open for children (at least six years old), youth, and adults who want to learn drawing and painting varied subjects using different media. 
For registration and other details, please contact the Asian Center at 920-3535 or Mr. Fernando Sena at 376-2196.

Mr. Sena held a previous workshop last May, also at the Asian Center.