Wherever I am, the world comes after me.
It offers me its busyness. It does not believe that I do not want it.
Now I understand 
why the old poets of China went so far
and high 
into the mountains, then crept into the pale mist.
"The Old Poets of China" by Mary Oliver

The UP Asian Center, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, and the International Development and Security Cooperation (IDSC) in partnership with the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Civil-Military Operations, J7 (OJ7), Armed Forces of the  Philippines will host the roundtable discussion, Deradicalization of the Violent Extremists in Achieving Lasting Peace in Marawi  on 24 May 2024, at the GT-Toyota Asian Center Auditorium, UP Asian Center. The event is by-invitation only.


In 2017, the Marawi siege of the Islamic State-linked Maute group challenged the internal security defense of the Philippines and reversed the development trajectory of the small city of Mindanao. Marawi had long faced its own unique set of security challenges, exacerbating the persistent socio-economic disparities in the only chartered Islamic city of the Philippines. The five-month armed struggle between the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Maute Group caused death and destruction as well as internal displacement of civilians. As rehabilitation of the war-torn Marawi City is still in progress, the challenge remains on the side of preventing another scenario that is addressing the deradicalization of violent extremists and reintegrating them into Filipino society. Thus, a whole-of-society approach is needed to give lasting peace a chance.
In collaboration with the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, University of the Philippines Asian Center, and the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Civil-Military Operations, J7 (OJ7), Armed Forces of the Philippines, IDSC is organizing a Roundtable Discussion (RTD), to gather stakeholders and discuss the ways forward in deradicalizing violent extremists and reintegrating them into Filipino society to achieve lasting peace in Marawi City.


A Whole-of-Society Approach to Peacebuilding in Marawi: Implications for Deradicalization
     District Representative Lanao Del Sur, 1st District
     House of Representatives
The Defeat of the ISIS-Maute: The Road to Deradicalization
     Office for the Deputy Chief of Staff for Civil Military Operations, J7 Armed Forces of the Philippines
SPF’s Context-Specific Approach to Deradicalization in Indonesia and Bangladesh
     Director and Senior Program Officer, Peacebuilding Program, Sasakawa Peace Foundation


IDSC is a SEC registered and a nonprofit policy research organization dedicated to advancing global development towards a more secure world converging holistic, strategic, and progressive discourses on transnational development and regional security issues. Its mission is to help advance Philippine national interest in international development and security cooperation with other countries through collaboration, education, research, and training aimed at becoming an eminent think tank in the Indo-Pacific region. Read more: International Development and Security Cooperation (IDSC): About | LinkedIn
SPF was established in September 1986 as a private not-for-profit foundation committed to achieving the following objectives by applying the innovative ideas and methods of the private sector: to respond to changes in nature and the social environment; to contribute to the sound and sustainable development of human society which is becoming more stratified and complex; and to build a new governance system for human society on this planet of oceans and land by promoting research activities, making policy recommendations, and supporting international cooperation and exchange projects. Read more: About SPF | THE SASAKAWA PEACE FOUNDATION
For inquiries, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 891-8500 loc. 3586.

The Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman offers M.A. degrees in Asian Studies with four fields of specialization: Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and West Asia. The UP Asian Center also has an M.A. program in Philippine Studies that allows students to major in Philippine society and culture, Philippine foreign relations, or Philippine development studies. It also offers a Ph.D. program in Philippine Studies in conjunction with the College of Arts and Letters and the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. For an overview of these graduate programs, click here. As an area studies institution, the Asian Center also publishes Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia, the latest issue of which can be downloaded at the journal's website.