Wherever I am, the world comes after me.
It offers me its busyness. It does not believe that I do not want it.
Now I understand 
why the old poets of China went so far
and high 
into the mountains, then crept into the pale mist.
"The Old Poets of China" by Mary Oliver

2:00 pm–3:30 pm

To Reward Her for This Devotion - Catholic Manipulation of the Conversion of Early-Modern Philippine Women
          Steven J. Fluckiger, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Melchor de Avalos and the Political Status of Tagalog Muslims
          Isaac Donoso, University of Alicante, Spain • Watch on YouTube
The Imposition of the Sorbonne Method in the Formation of an Indigenous Clergy in South-East Asia: the Example of Siam in 1685
          Maëlle Pennéguès, University Lumière Lyon II, France