Wherever I am, the world comes after me.
It offers me its busyness. It does not believe that I do not want it.
Now I understand 
why the old poets of China went so far
and high 
into the mountains, then crept into the pale mist.
"The Old Poets of China" by Mary Oliver

Journal Articles

2023. "Fugitive Witnessing: Stories of Indonesian Migrant Workers." Social Science Forum 39 (102): 85–103. DOI: 10.51936/dr.39.102.15-36. 
2021. "Hagiographic Counterimaginary: The Case of Pasyong Rizal." The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies 19 (1): 25–40. DOI:10.18848/2327-0055/CGP/v19i01/25-40.
2020. "Theologizing Literature: Reading the Poems of Kim Chi Ha and Amado Hernandez through the Lens of Liberation Theology." Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 19 (57): 210–24.
2019. “Occluded Histories: Philippine Labor After EDSA.” Philippine Political Science Journal 40 (1–2): 3–31.
2019. “Revisiting Paulo: Critical Pedagogy and Testimonial Narratives in the Philippines K-12 Curriculum.” Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 17 (2): 246–78.
2018. "The Migrant Worker as Disposable Body: Testimonial Narratives from a Nongovernment Organization." Humanities Diliman 15 (2): 38–61. 
2018. "Exotifying Bodies: Self-Flagellation, Abjection, and Social Memory." Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 10 (3): 149–57.
2013. Kontra-Diskurso: Testimonial Narratives of Filipino Workers in a Foreign CompanyHumanities Diliman 10 (1): 44–63
2013. Narrativizing marginality and hope: Testimonial narratives of students in a night schoolThe Scholastican Journal 3.
2012. Voicing resistance: Testimonial narratives of the families and friends of the disappeared. Philippine Humanities Review 14 (1). 
2012. Education and resistance: Testimonies for critical pedagogy and literacy. The Scholastican Journal 115–36.
2012. Transgressive bridging: Critical pedagogies and Philippine Studies. Dalumat 3 (1–2).
2011. Speaking of the subaltern: Subjectivities and resistance in the testimonial narratives of workers.  Diliman Review 58 (1–4).
2011. The Manila teachers’ movement: History, challenges, prospects. Selected papers of the 20th Annual Manila Studies Conference July 28-29, 2011.