Two articles in the journal, Public Policy, by the late Dr. Aileen Baviera, former dean and professor of the Asian Center—one on the Philippine Baselines Law and another on the 'domestic stakeholders' of the West Philippine Sea disputes—can be viewed and downloaded for free. The link can be found below.
Dr. Baviera's article on the Baselines Law first came out in Volume XII (2014–2015) of the journal, Public Policy, while her domestic stakeholders study appeared in Volume XV (2016). Public Policy is now the Philippine Journal of Public Policy, and is published by the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (CIDS). UP CIDS made them available online in the wake of Dr. Baviera's passing in March 2020.
In March 2009, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo signed Republic Act No. 9522, which aims to "amend certain provisions of Republic Act No. 3046, as amended by Republic Act No. 5446, to define the archipelagic baselines of the Philippines, and for other purposes" (Official Gazette 2009). R.A. 9522 aims to, among other things, delineate national borders and help specify the territories over which the Philippines has jurisdiction. The domestic stakeholders article pertains to sectors in Philippine society—from local government units to law enforcement personnel—that affect, and are affected, by the maritime and territorial disputes.
Below are excerpts from both articles.
Territorial and Maritime Disputes in the West Philippine Sea: Foreign Policy Choices and their Impact on Domestic Stakeholders (2016)
"Foreign policy decision-making typically involves an interplay between domestic and international actors and interests. Using Philippine policy in the West Philippine Sea as a case, this study looks at who the domestic stakeholders are, the effects of the maritime disputes on them, and their role in foreign policy choices made by the Aquino government. The study examines the defense and maritime law enforcement sector, the fisheries sector and energy industry, as well as those engaged in trade, investments, and tourism cooperation with China.
Among certain security sector stakeholders, there were perceptions that the arbitration or legal approach was over-emphasized at possible cost to short-term security goals. Fishing and energy stakeholders also felt there was not much support from government, and that interactions initiated by government were for the purpose of gathering understanding and support for policy, and to institute stop-gap solutions, rather than to address problems that arose as consequences of the disputes or of foreign policy decisions.
The study recommends better inter-agency harmonization of its policy priorities, improving central-local governments’ understanding of their respective roles, and introducing more consultative and inclusive decision-making processes involving non-state stakeholders, in order to improve policy coherence. Apart from defense of sovereignty and territorial integrity, development diplomacy based on domestic stakeholders’ interests and needs should be placed front and center of the next stage of Philippine statecraft on the West Philippine Sea issue, whether through bilateral negotiations with China or regional cooperation or both. Law and diplomacy will remain instruments rather than ends in themselves, and the objectives of our foreign policy will remain security of the state, welfare of the people, peace in the region" (Baviera 2016, 12–13).
Recently, in June 2021, retired Supreme Court Associate Justice Francis Jardeleza "submitted a letter" to President Duterte that seeks "amendments to Republic Act (RA) 9522" (Gita-Carlos 2021; cf. Navallo 2021). The full text of R.A. 9522 can be viewed here.
Defining the National Territory: Security and Foreign Relations Dimensions (2014–2015)
"…there had long been an effort to re-define the country’s baselines as the first requisite to determining its maritime jurisdictions and to negotiating overlaps and conflicts with neighboring states. The Arroyo administration finally enacted a new Philippine Baselines Law in 2009 on which basis it has become possible to claim rights over maritime resources and jurisdiction or responsibility over activities in our surrounding waters.
This study seeks to:
1. Identify the core security and diplomatic interests of the Philippines that are affected by the definition of Philippine national territory and the delimitation of our maritime boundaries and jurisdictional areas;
2. Identify strategic objectives the country might pursue based on the above-mentioned interests;
3. Provide insights into relevant regional and global factors that should be given consideration in addressing issues of Philippine territory; and
4. Explore policy implications, prospects and challenges that may arise from various courses of action pertaining to territory and boundaries." (Baviera 2014/2015, 23).
Download the Articles (Via Google Drive)
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