Wherever I am, the world comes after me.
It offers me its busyness. It does not believe that I do not want it.
Now I understand 
why the old poets of China went so far
and high 
into the mountains, then crept into the pale mist.
"The Old Poets of China" by Mary Oliver

News @ UP Asian Center

  • Philippine Flashpoints: The South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait Conundrum

    The UP Asian Center, in partnership with the Asia Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation, Inc. (APPFI), hosted the roundtable "Philippines between the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait: Two Hotspots, Same Quandaries" last 22 May 2024, at the Seminar Room, GT-Toyota Asian Cultural Center, University of the Philippines, Diliman.

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  • UP Asian Center Hosts Youth Delegates from Timor-Leste

    The UP Asian Center was honored to host a delegation of youth leaders from Timor-Leste last 3 June 2024. Education Attaché Mr. Tomas Mendonça from the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste led the visit which included a series of talks, question-and-answer, and information session.

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  • UP Asian Center Launches Exhibit on Pansak Movement

    The UP Asian Center celebrated Sama Bajau music and dance tradition on 6 June 2024, with "Tampat Pag-addatan Sahaya: Place, Tradition and Light"  a series of lectures and performances that highlights the role of UP Diliman as a space for indigenous and marginalized cultures to be expressed. Held at the GT-Toyota Asian Center Auditorium in Diliman, Quezon City, the event marked an exploration of pansak in the field, the University stage, and other spaces, as well as the kinaesthetics, convention, and improvisation of pansak by the Sama Bangingi.

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As part of the University of the Philippines’ compliance with the enhanced community quarantine amidst the rising cases of CoVid-19, the faculty and staff of the UP Asian Center will be working from home from 17 March 2020 to 14 April 2020.

As a preventive and safety measure to the current situation on COVID-19, the Asian Center Library will be CLOSED effective Monday, March 16, 2020 until further notice.

Starting March 2020, Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia will be using ScholarOne Manuscripts to receive manuscripts, contact reviewers, communicate with authors, and document each step of the publication process.

The UP Asian Center and the Center for People Empowerment in Governance will hold a public lecture, VFA Termination: New Strategic Moves? by Ericson Baculinao on 2 March 2020, 2 pm–4 pm, UP Asian Center, Diliman, Quezon City.

The UP Asian Center will be holding the public forum, “People’s Mobility in the Time of CoVid-2019,” on 21 February 2020, 1–4:30 pm, at the UP Asian Center, QC. The event is free and open to the public.