Wherever I am, the world comes after me.
It offers me its busyness. It does not believe that I do not want it.
Now I understand 
why the old poets of China went so far
and high 
into the mountains, then crept into the pale mist.
"The Old Poets of China" by Mary Oliver

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. in International Relations, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China
Room 204, Hall of Wisdom
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Strategic Studies  •  Greater East Asian Geopolitics and Multilateral Politics  •  Political Risk  •  Chinese Politics and Foreign Policy 


Policy Briefs and Working Papers

2019. “From Traditional to Strategic Partnership: Upgrading the Philippines-South Korea Bilateral Cooperation Framework.UP Korea Research Center Policy Brief 2019-08.

2019. “The Chinese Wave in the Philippines,”  APPFI Working Paper 2019-02.

2019. “The Potential Implications of a Post-Nuclear North Korea.” UP Korea Research Center Policy Brief 2019-08.

2018. “Sino-US Trade War: Implications for the Philippines.” APPFI Policy Brief 2018-01 (August).

2017. “Why China’s 19th National Party Congress matters to the Philippines.” Business World, 12 October 2017.


Journal Articles and Book Reviews

2021. “South Korea's New Southern Policy as an Open Regime: A View from Southeast Asia.” KIEP Research Paper, World Economy Brief 21-14 (31 March).

2018. “The complex interdependence of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in the Philippines.” Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies 5 (3): 683–97.

2016. “China’s Role in the Iran Nuclear Deal: Perspectives From Mainstream Chinese Media.” Asian Politics & Policy 8 (2): 382-6.

2017. Review of Shifting Power in Asia-Pacific: The Rise of China, Sino-US Competition and Regional Middle Power Allegiance, by Enrico Fels. Asian Politics & Policy 9 (4): 689-92. 


Book Chapters

2023. “The Philippines in the China-US Cold War with 21st Century Characteristics.” In Southeast Asian Perspectives of the US and China: A SWOT Analysis, edited by Lee Jaehyon. Seoul, South Korea: ASAN Institute for Policy Studies.

2022. “Invigorating Philippines-South Korea Maritime Security Partnership.” In Navigating Uncharted Waters: Security Cooperation between ROK and ASEAN, edited by Andrew Mantong and Waffaa Kharisma, 59-70, Jakarta, Indonesia: CSIS Indonesia and Korea Foundation.

2022. “The China Conundrum and the Philippine Strategic Outlook on the Quad.” In India-Japan-ASEAN Triangularity: Emergence of a Possible Indo-Pacific Axis?, edited by Jagannath P. Panda. London; New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

2021. “A Tale of Two Regional Integration Connectivity Projects: Harmonizing China’s Belt and Road Initiative with the ASEAN Master Plan on Connectivity.” In ASEAN-China Cooperation on Regional Connectivity and Sustainability, edited by Guo Yanjun and Yang Yue, 181-92. World Scientific and Institute of Asian Studies.

2021. “The Covid-19 Pandemic and Philippines-China Relations.” In The Reshaping of China-Southeast Asia Relations in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, edited by Nian Peng. Singapore: Springer.

2021. “Philippines– China Joint Development Agreement in the South China Sea under Duterte.” In Cooperative Development in the South China Sea: Policies, Obstacles, and Prospects, edited by Qi, Huaigao and Song Xue, 77-96. London and New York: Routledge.

2019. “Philippine Perspectives on the Belt and Road Initiative.” In The Belt and Road Initiative: ASEAN Countries’ Perspectives, edited by Yue Yang and Fujian Li. World Scientific. (Co-authored with Lucio Blanco Pitlo III).


Essays and Commentaries

2024. “The China-Philippines united front on online gambling.” Think China, 9 May 2024.

2024. “South China Sea and Taiwan: Two Regional Flashpoints Overlap.Voices 17 (21 March).

2023. “From Duterte’s ‘Pivot to China’ to Marcos Jr.’s ‘Rebalance to the US’?.Fulcrum, 17 April 2023.

2023. “Bound to Comply: the Philippines’ One China Policy and Mutual Defense Treaty with the US.Fulcrum, 17 January 2023.

2022. “The Belt and Road Initiative and the Philippines’ Post-Duterte China Challenge.” Fulcrum, 25 March 2022.

2022. “How the Philippines presidential election will shape its love-hate relationship with China,” South China Morning Post (SCMP), 31 January 2022.

2022. “The China Factor and Bongbong Marcos’ Foreign Policy.” Fulcrum, 12 July 2022.

2021. “Has the securitization of Confucius Institutes in Western Liberal Democracies spilled over to the Philippines?.PACS Viewpoints (12 October).

2021. “Philippine foreign policy: A leveled analysis.RUSI, 7 October 2021.

2021. “The Social Implications of Philippines-China Security Competition in the South China Sea.” Asia Global Online, 3 September 2021.

2021. “‘Political Connectivity’: A New Dimension of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in the Philippines.” ISEAS Perspective 53 (26 April).

2020. “The Challenges Facing Philippines-China Joint Development in the South China Sea.Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, 16 October 2020.

2020. “Is the Philippines-US Alliance Obsolete?.The Diplomat, 22 April 2020. (Co-authored with Elliot Silverberg).

2020. “The Implications of COVID-19 on China’s Belt and Road in the Philippines.China-US Focus, 27 March 2020.

2020. “Philippines-US Alliance Under Duterte: Unravelling?.” RSIS, 12 February 2020.

2019. “The other trade war – Japan vs South Korea.” Inquirer, 6 September 2019.

2019. “Outstanding Issues in the Philippines-U.S. Alliance.” Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, 14 March 2019.

2019. “Factors Shaping Philippines-North Korea Relations.” Asia Pacific Bulletin, 20 February 2019. .

2019. “Can a South China Sea code of conduct help ensure regional stability? Here are four ways it could be strengthened.” South China Morning Post, 8 January 2019.

2017. “The Implications of Cross-Strait Conflict for the Philippines.The Manila Times, 25 October 2017. 

2018. “Duterte’s China policy: beyond law.The Interpreter, 28 June 2018.

2018. “Is the ‘Indo-Pacific’ Construct Trump’s Pivot to Asia Policy.Pacific Forum (PacNet) 13 (16 February).

2018. “The Dynamics of Xi’s Term Extension.” China-US Focus, 11 April 2018.

2018. “Duterte’s Push for Joint Development in the South China Sea.” The Strategist, 31 January 2018.

2015. “China’s Counter-Pivot Response.” International Policy Digest, 11 May 2015.  

2015. “The South China Sea: Lessons From Thirteen Days.International Policy Digest, 28 June 2015.

2015. “The Philippines between the US and China.” Asia-Pacific and Policy Society Forum, 24 August 2015.

2016. “What a Duterte government means for Sino-Philippine relations.Rappler, 7 June 2016.

2016. “Strategic Perceptions and Misperceptions in the South China Sea.” China-US Focus, 20 September 2016.

2016. “Rebalancing Philippine Foreign Policy.” East Asia Forum, 24 November 2016.

2017. “Sino-US Relations and Trump’s Asia Policy.” Asia Times, 31 January 2017.

2017. “Philippines-China Relations: A Deepening Partnership.” Pangoal Institution, 18 March 2017.

2017. “China’s Diplomatic Strategy and Expanding Philippines-China Political Cooperation.” Asia Dialogue, 12 July 2017.

2017. “A Balanced Philippine Foreign Policy: Managing Relations with Major Powers.” Asia Dialogue, 17 April 2017.

2017. “Duterte’s ASEAN Policy.” International Public Policy Review, 13 September 2017.


Education and Research

    • BS Legal Management, San Beda University, 2009
    • Bachelor of Laws (LLB), San Beda University, 2009-2010
    • MA in International Relations, Shandong University, Nanjing China, 206
    • D. in International Relations, Shandong University, Nanjing, China, 2016

Courses Taught

    • AS 235.1 Social and Economic Development in China
    • AS 235.2 Politics and Governance in China
    • AS 235.3 Culture and Society in China
    • PS 233 Alternative Futures for Philippine Foreign Policy
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