Wherever I am, the world comes after me.
It offers me its busyness. It does not believe that I do not want it.
Now I understand 
why the old poets of China went so far
and high 
into the mountains, then crept into the pale mist.
"The Old Poets of China" by Mary Oliver

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
Room 204, Hall of Wisdom
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Japanese Studies  •  Southeast Asian Studies  •  Cultural Studies  •  Identity and Culture  •  Cross-Cultural Studies



2020. “Covid-19 and Popular Culture in Southeast AsiaCSEAS Newsletter 78.

2014. "Educational Komiks: Shifting Perspectives." Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, 16.


Book Chapters

2023. “Flirting with gender purrspetives: Contemporary Women’s activist comics in the Philippines.” In Activism and Authoritarian Governance in Asia, edited by Amy Barrow and Sara Fuller. Routledge. (Co-authored with Kristine Michelle L. Santos)

2022. “Wife, Child, Illegal: Static Representations of Filipinos in Japanese Manga.” In Transnationalism in East and Southeast Asian Comics Art, edited by John A. Lent, Wend Siuyi Wong, and Benjamin Wai-ming Ng. Palgrave Macmillan. (Co-authored with Benjamin San Jose)

2022. “Static Narratives: Nationalism and World War II History Textbooks in the Philippines.” In Colonialism and Modernity: Re-Mapping Philippine Histories, edited by Oscar V. Campomanes, Nobutaka Suzuki, and Yoshio Nagano. Naga City, Camarines Sur: Ateneo de Naga University Press.

2021. “Revisiting 'Cool Japan': The Southeast Asian Gaze toward Japanese Manga and Anime.” In The Courteous Power: Japan and Southeast Asia in the Indo-Pacific Era, edited by John D. Ciociari and Kiyoteru Tsutsui, 248 – 76., MI, USA: University of Michigan Press.

2021. “Philippines: Overlooked by soft power and media mix.” In Japanese Animation in Asia: Transnational Industry, Audiences, and Success, edited by Marco Pellitteri and Wong Heung-wah, 163 - 78. Routledge. (Co-authored with Herb L. Fondevilla)

2019. “Japanese Representation in Philippine Media” In The Palgrave Handbook of Ethnicity, edited by Steven Ratuva, 416-26. Palgrave Macmillan.

2015. "Teaching our Children: Education in Japan since the Great Kanto Earthquake to the Present." In Connecting "Infrastructure" and "Superstructure": Developments Towards Far-Reaching Impacts, 228-239. Bangkok, Thailand: API Regional Coordinating Institution.

2015. "Pinoy manga in Philippine komiks." In Global Manga: 'Japanese' Comics without Japan, edited by Casey Brienza, 185-201. Routledge. (Co-authored with Kristine Michelle Santos)

2014. "Syonan for Children: Representations of Nan'yo in Shonen Kurabu in the 1930s." In Japan and Southeast Asia: Continuity and Change in Modern Times, edited by Teow See Heng, Lydia Yu-Jose, Ricardo Trota Jose, and Yoshimura Mako, 41-60. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press.

2013. "Friend or Foe: Representations of Japan in the Print Media in the Philippines, 1940s to the Present." In Imagining Japan in Post-War East Asia: Identity politics, schooling and popular culture, edited by Paul Morris, Naoko Shimazu, and Edward Vickers, 85-105. Routledge.

2013. "Representing the War in Manga." In Controversial History Education in Asian Contexts, edited by Mark Baildon, Kah Seng Loh, Ivy Maria Lim, Gulhnan, and Junaidah Jaffar, 123-39, Routledge.


Journal Articles

2023. “Philippine-Japan Relations: Friends with Benefits.” Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia 34. 

2018. “Japanese Popular Culture and its Re-definition from the Peripheries.” Orientaliska Studier 156 (2018). 28 – 37.

2017. “Revisiting Japanese Studies in Southeast Asia.” Border Crossing: The Journal of Japanese-Language Literature Studies 5 (1). 137 – 49.

2015. “Boy meets World: the Worldview of Shōnen Kurabu in the 1930s.” Japan Forum 28 (1): 74–98..

2005. “The Stories They Tell: Komik Strips during the Japanese Occupation Period of the Philippines, 1942-44.” Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 53 (1): 59 – 90.


Education & Research

    • AB in Interdisciplinary Studies (Psychology and History), Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines, 2001
    • MA in Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2005
    • D. Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, 2010

Courses Taught

    • AS 221 Modern Japanese Texts
    • AS 234 Special Topics: Northeast Asia (History in/with/from Comics)
    • Int Jap A Elementary Japanese
    • Int Jap B Intermediate Japanese
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