Ph.D. in Political Science, City University of New York Graduate Center
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Political economy of late development • Southeast Asian Studies • comparative political institutions • globalization and IPE • identity politics and conflict studies
2012. State Structure, Policy Formation, and Economy Development in Southeast Asia: The Political Economy of Thailand and the Philippines. Routledge.
2023. "The Changing Nature of Philippine Conglomerates from a Political Economy Perspective." In Philippine Conglomerates And Inclusive Development: Tracking A Unique Trajectory In Asia, edited by Philamer C Torio, Rodolfo P Ang and Imelda Deinla. World Scientific Publishing Company. (Forthcoming).
2023. "New Industrial Development Path Based on IT Service Business in the Case of the Philippines." In Base of the Pyramid and Business Process Outsourcing Strategies: In the Age of SDGs, edited by Takabumi Hayashi, Hiroshi Hoshino and Yoshie Hori, 161-170. Singapore: Springer.
2019. "Anticorruption Campaigns, Regime Change, and the Proprietary Polity: The Philippine Case." In The Political Logics of Anticorruption Efforts in Asia, edited by Cheng Chen and Meredith L. Weiss, 23–48. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.
2017. "Philippine Services Sector: Domestic Policy and Global Markets." In Southeast Asia Beyond Crises and Traps: Economic Growth and Upgrading, edited by Boo Teik Khoo, Keiici Tsunekawa, and Motoko Kawano, 225–249. Palgrave Macmillan.
2015. "The BPO Industry and the Philippine Trade in Services: Boon or Bane?" In The Local Impact of Globalization in South and Southeast Asia, edited by Bart Lambregts, Niels Beerepoot, and Robert C. Kloosterman, 46–59. Routledge. Read a brief excerpt.
2014. "Changing configuration of Philippine capitalism." Philippine Political Science Journal 35 (2): 225–50.
1997. "Philippine Feminist Politics: Disunity in Diversity." In Philippine Democracy Agenda Vol. 3: Civil Society Making Civil Society, edited by Miriam Coronel Ferrer, 171-186. Quezon City: Third World Studies Center.
2022. "Higher education in the 'next normal'." OpinYon, 14–20 February, 4.
2021. "Philippines - US Relations in a Biden administration and the Changing Global Order.” Paper presented at the forum, "The New US Administration and Perpsectives for Southeast Asia and the Philippines" organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines Office and held on 27 August 2021.
2020. "Higher education in the 'next normal'." Inquirer.Net. 7 September.
2019. "A defining moment for PH maritime interests" Inquirer.Net. 13 June.
2018. “The Philippine Growth Momentum and Contentious Politics.” In 2017 Manila Conference Proceedings: Regulation and Governance in the Philippines: Development Policy Challenges for the New Administration, pp 19–21. The ANU Philippines Project, Australian National University.
2016. ASEAN and the Belt and Road Policy Initiative: Prospects and Challenges. Asia Pacific Pathways to Progress, 1 March.
2016. The Silk Belt Road, 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and Regional Connectivity [interview]. Asia Pacific Pathways to Progress, 22 February.
2010. "Colombia's Land Conflict from a Peace and Development Framework." Conciliation Resources, August 31.
AS 255.2 Politics and Governance of Southeast Asia
AS 255.1 Social and Economic Development in Southeast Asia
AS 253 Readings on Southeast Asia
AS 203 Nationalism and National Development
AS 201 Modern Asia
- PS 233 Issues in Philippine Development
Ph.D. in Political Science, City University of New York Graduate Center
M.A. in Political Science, City University of New York Graduate Center
B.A. in Journalism, University of the Philippines Diliman
Political economy of late development
Governance and development policies
Comparative political institutions
Globalization and international political economy
Identity politics and conflict studies
2012. State Structure, Policy Formation, and Economy Development in Southeast Asia: The Political Economy of Thailand and the Philippines. Routledge.
2023. "The Changing Nature of Philippine Conglomerates from a Political Economy Perspective." In Philippine Conglomerates And Inclusive Development: Tracking A Unique Trajectory In Asia, edited by Philamer C Torio, Rodolfo P Ang and Imelda Deinla. World Scientific Publishing Company. (Forthcoming).
2023. "New Industrial Development Path Based on IT Service Business in the Case of the Philippines." In Base of the Pyramid and Business Process Outsourcing Strategies: In the Age of SDGs, edited by Takabumi Hayashi, Hiroshi Hoshino and Yoshie Hori, 161-170. Singapore: Springer.
2019. "Anticorruption Campaigns, Regime Change, and the Proprietary Polity: The Philippine Case." In The Political Logics of Anticorruption Efforts in Asia, edited by Cheng Chen and Meredith L. Weiss, 23–48. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.
2017. "Philippine Services Sector: Domestic Policy and Global Markets." In Southeast Asia Beyond Crises and Traps: Economic Growth and Upgrading, edited by Boo Teik Khoo, Keiici Tsunekawa, and Motoko Kawano, 225–249. Palgrave Macmillan.
2015. "The BPO Industry and the Philippine Trade in Services: Boon or Bane?" In The Local Impact of Globalization in South and Southeast Asia, edited by Bart Lambregts, Niels Beerepoot, and Robert C. Kloosterman, 46–59. Routledge. Read a brief excerpt.
2014. "Changing configuration of Philippine capitalism." Philippine Political Science Journal 35 (2): 225–50.
1997. "Philippine Feminist Politics: Disunity in Diversity." In Philippine Democracy Agenda Vol. 3: Civil Society Making Civil Society, edited by Miriam Coronel Ferrer, 171-186. Quezon City: Third World Studies Center.
2022. "Higher education in the 'next normal'." OpinYon, 14–20 February, 4.
2021. "Philippines - US Relations in a Biden administration and the Changing Global Order.” Paper presented at the forum, "The New US Administration and Perpsectives for Southeast Asia and the Philippines" organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines Office and held on 27 August 2021.
2020. "Higher education in the 'next normal'." Inquirer.Net. 7 September.
2019. "A defining moment for PH maritime interests" Inquirer.Net. 13 June.
2018. “The Philippine Growth Momentum and Contentious Politics.” In 2017 Manila Conference Proceedings: Regulation and Governance in the Philippines: Development Policy Challenges for the New Administration, pp 19–21. The ANU Philippines Project, Australian National University.
2016. ASEAN and the Belt and Road Policy Initiative: Prospects and Challenges. Asia Pacific Pathways to Progress, 1 March.
2016. The Silk Belt Road, 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and Regional Connectivity [interview]. Asia Pacific Pathways to Progress, 22 February.
2010. "Colombia's Land Conflict from a Peace and Development Framework." Conciliation Resources, August 31.
AS 255.2 Politics and Governance of Southeast Asia
AS 255.1 Social and Economic Development in Southeast Asia
AS 253 Readings on Southeast Asia
AS 203 Nationalism and National Development
AS 201 Modern Asia
- PS 233 Issues in Philippine Development
Ph.D. in Political Science, City University of New York Graduate Center
M.A. in Political Science, City University of New York Graduate Center
B.A. in Journalism, University of the Philippines Diliman
Political economy of late development
Governance and development policies
Comparative political institutions
Globalization and international political economy
Identity politics and conflict studies
Quick Links: Asian Center Faculty